Sketch is Fun !

Müge Çetinkaya
2 min readJun 18, 2018

Here goes my third exercise on Ironhack prework, and I must say this was the most fun assignment until now. It was the first time I used Sketch app. I only struggled a little bit on the masking tools, and mostly when the app or plugins crashed a few times. Well luckily these crashes didn’t take away my motivation.

These are my final ‘clone’ UIs. I used some additional plugins such as Unsplash It (for the background images) and Content Generator (for the persona images).

Throughout this exercise I learned that the tool has a lot of similarities with Adobe Illustrator, which for me resulted in a quicker learning process through familiarity.

Also I found the layers a little challenging because unlike Illustrator, here every object is a layer. Even when I add the smallest objects or text boxes, it makes additional lines, and the layer panel on the left go crazy ! That’s why organizing, grouping and naming the layers is very important. And somehow challenging for me, for now.

Oh and just one note; I didn’t use any Boolean Operations although it was instructed to be used in the logo. I still don’t see how I could use it there. :) Anyhow I believe I got the same result by following another path.

I can’t wait to learn more and design ‘my’ UIs on Sketch !



Müge Çetinkaya

UX/Service Designer 🍀 | Was Digital Marketer👩‍💻 | Sometimes Freelance Designer 🎨 |